Scheduling efficiency! Hero


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Scheduling efficiency!

Ever wonder what a PERFECT day would be like? Some of the most financially productive days consist of the least amount of patients. A friend told me that scheduling is like a bowl of fruit. You need to envision it like filling it with cherries and seeing how long it takes vs. throwing a melon […]

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Dentistry is Like Dating!

I don’t know how many times I say this in one day. I know searching for a job is stressful and can be overwhelming but hiring is too. Finding the right fit for your team is tough! It’s hard to tell qualified candidates that your office is not the right office for them, especially when you find a connection […]

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Integrity, Intent and Communication

Integrity, Intent and Communication, something that is a tough thing to perfect. Personally I have had a challenging week with a variety of different obstacles to overcome. This morning I was feeling a little down so I called my close friend in Toronto for advice. Besides being an outstanding friend, he highly established and respected […]

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The Art Of People

I can’t tell you how many people I meet in dental that ask me what the hardest part of my job is. The answer is PEOPLE.  It’s complicated but really this is it! Could you imagine if we all just got along? Here are my Top 5 Tips to make your life easier: Your team needs […]

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Stress In Dentistry- No Way!

So you’re an RDH and your patient is 12 minutes late and low and behold they stroll in on their cell phone and spend 2 minutes finishing their call, you ask them to come back, get them seated and then they have to go to the washroom. So you’re 20 min into their time and […]

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Show Me The Love!!

With February being the month full of love how are you showing appreciation to your referring offices? Show me the love!! Or wait…I guess show the referrals the love! I know you appreciate everything your referring doctors and their offices do for you – but do they know that? It is so important when you […]

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